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Travel insurance

Through TuGo Travel Insurance, I can work with clients to help find the right coverage. Plans are available for Canadian residents traveling within Canada, United States of America and around the world. Likewise, travellers coming to Canada are eligible for coverage.

Experiences are important when you travel, but things don't always go as planned. 

You should come back with great memories, not hospital bills. Our partner TuGo covers you in case of accidents, medical emergencies and more. Let me help you find the right affordable plan for your next trip!


You're counting on credit card insurance, right?

Most credit cards' health insurance plans have few benefits and inadequate coverage. You can get the best coverage for your needs with our travel insurance.


Desjardins, Toronto West 


406-155 Rexdale Blvd, Etobicoke

Ontario M9W 5Z8


Phone: +1 (437) 985-1851

Life Insurance Solutions - All rights reserved © 2023



This website provides general information and education about various products. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, errors and omissions may occur. In the event of a contradiction between this website and your policy contract, the policy contract terms take precedence.

Please consult with your advisor for specific product details. If you don't have an advisor, we are happy to assist you.

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